Hi, I am Marcos Galdamez

Front-end Developer

Picture of Marcos Galdamez Smiling

What I Do

Front-End Development

Construct a website based on a clients needs. Accomadating to design. My projects consist of HTML5, CSS5, and as well as JS6.

UX Design

Visualize and create a dynamic design for client need. I can also use a clients own UX design to create a website based off those files.

Data Analyzation

Through SQL and Access Database, create analitical querys for companies trying to reach a specific target.

My Work

Who I am

A Front-End Developer based from Florida

I was born and raised in Honduras. My mom brought me to America with her and, a dream in mind. A dream; where I would receive higher education than the one available to me in Honduras. Her dream became a reality. The aspirations she held for me allowed me to fall in love with learning, growing from my own mistakes and lessons passed on to me by others. I went through elementary, middle, and high school achieving high academic standards. Soon after graduating high school, I got into Computer Science in 2021, and from there I have done everything possible to learn different languages. I have grown as a programmer, and I want to learn more. My next step is to learn from others already in the industry. I am currently enrolled in college with a track to receiving a master's in Computer Science and Engineering. All I need to give my career a good start is an opportunity.

Marcos Standing Above a bridge smiling

My Work

A selection of projects I have worked on.

Arduino Engineering Clock Calendar Pro Clubs Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse